“I used Excel Transportation three times for rides between the two VA Medical Centers when my husband was a patient. All three drivers provided door-to-door service that was courteous and professional. All three cars were spotlessly clean. Thank you so much!”
“Thank you – and we are very happy with the service you have given our guests J”
“Thanks for the great service!”
“Thanks for the great service!”
“I had a great experience with Excel when I used them for a very early morning ride to the airport last year. Very professional, very courteous, and right on time.”
“Your driver was exceptional, attentive and knowledgeable.
My wife and her sister enjoyed his attention very much during the service
“Your last driver was an excellent young man! Keep him around.”
“I have had compliments from the staff on the driver’s driving skills yesterday. Even though the windshield wipers were freezing over, he maintained his cool and stopped to clean the ice off and they all got home safely. Thanks so much! We appreciate him.”
“The extra few minutes the drivers are arriving early are very helpful and the doctors all seem very happy. Keep up the good work!”
“The driver was awesome! Thanks for such great service J”
“Thanks for the great service and I look forward to calling on your shuttle service on future visits to this area.
“Thank you for your great service.”
“Thank you for all of your great service the past three years…”